The Conference
The Hellenic Association of Risk Managers (H.A.RI.MA.), a member of FERMA (https://www.ferma.eu/), FECMA (https://www.fecma.eu/) and ICA (https://www.int-comp.org/), is organizing, in collaboration with CLEON Conferences & Communications, the 2nd ANNUAL CONFERENCE – Operating in a Risk Εnvironment.
The conference will take place on July 6th, 2022 at the Divani Caravel Hotel in Athens. The conference will be moderated by journalist and lawyer Antonis Papagiannidis.
PANEL Ι: ESG: Risks & Opportunities
PANEL ΙΙ: Energy Risk Management
PANEL ΙΙI: Mergers & Acquisitions
PANEL ΙV: Risk Management as a Pillar of Corporate Governance
PANEL V: Risk Management in the Financial Services Sector
PANEL VI: Public Sector / Region / Municipality Risk Management
International Trade Risk Management
Insurance & Risk Officer : The new role
- Risk Managers
- C-Level Executives
- Treasurers
- Finance directors
- Data analytics professionals
- Claims Executives
- Security & IT Experts
- Legal / compliance
- Operations executives
- Brokers
- Insurers